Community Involvement
As a Council member, Jeanette Wylie has worked hard to keep involved with her community and the surrounding area. Here are just some of the ways Wylie has interacted with community members in her role on Vacaville City Council.
Parks and Rec
Wylie has always enjoyed the parks with her family. Now that her children are adults, she wants all families to have access to great neighborhood and community parks. Last July, along with Park Commissioners and members of the public, Wylie toured several parks and heard from Parks and Rec staff about plans for improvements. In December, she spent a fun-filled morning monitoring the line of excited children waiting to talk to Santa Claus at the McBride Senior Center. Most recently, she attended the unveiling of the Public Art at Rock Hill Trail and met the artist, Leslie Molera, and several of the student artists from 6th grade to college.
As a retired teacher with over 20 years at Travis Unified School District, along with 12 years teaching in Missouri, Wylie knows the importance of mentoring our youth. She attends the Youth Round Table meetings to hear about activities available to young people through our PAL (Police Activities League), Parks and Rec, local junior and high schools, tutoring programs, Boys and Girls Neighborhood Club, and other non-profits who offer programs for our youth.
Council member Wylie has also participated in several activities working with local Girl Scouts. Two troops were able to tour the Police Station and meet in the Council Chambers to learn how cities make policy with input from residents. She also organized a panel discussion with three Fairfield Girl Scout troops which included Mayor Pro-Tem Alma Hernandez, Councilmember Doriss Panduro, and School Board Candidate, Jack Flynn.
The Neighborhood Boys and Girls Club is an asset to Vacaville and Council member Wylie has been part of several events at the Center. She was one of the judges for the Youth of the Year and had the opportunity to learn about the wonderful contributions of many of our local young people during the interview process. All candidates understood the need to “play it forward” and help those younger than themselves. During the COV Connect Neighborhood Cleanup, Wylie enjoyed painting the four-square and hopscotch lines at the NBGC building on Holly Lane.
In partnership with the League of Women Voters and the Solano County Office of Education, Council member Wylie participated in a “Mock City Council Meeting” with seventeen young people involved in the Solano Youth Coalition. The experience emphasized the importance of being informed and active in your local community.
Council member Wylie toured the newly established My Friend’s House which is affiliated with the Opportunity House to see the terrific program for young adults who have aged out of the foster system and are embarking on independent living.
Veteran’s and Military
Teaching on Travis Air Force Base and serving many residents in District 6 who are active or retired military, Wylie has great respect for all our military families. She currently serves on the Travis Regional Armed Forces Committee and enjoys learning about ways our community can work to provide support to our military members. It is essential that we support Travis Air Force Base so it continues to be a strong force in our community. Wylie was part of the Wings Over Solano Community Champion team that pulled together before the Air Show in April.
Wylie enjoyed honoring the 2021 Boys State participants in March at the Vacaville Veteran’s Hall. The keynote speaker was a young man from Vanden who talked about his experiences at Boys State and his plans to become a medical doctor in the future. Unfortunately, Wylie was out of town when the 2021 Girls State presentations were held.
Chamber of Commerce
Since her election in November 2020, Council member Wylie has participated in a variety of activities through the Chamber of Commerce. The ribbon cuttings at new businesses are a fun way to meet others and to support community partners. Successful businesses are an important part of a successful city. We are glad that each month usually has one or two ribbon cutting gatherings.
The Chamber of Commerce also hosts meetings at local businesses to learn more about what services they offer. The meeting highlighting Solano Advocates for Victims of Violence was particularly sobering to hear stories from Vacaville residents personally affected by violent crimes. We thank them for sharing their difficult stories to help others or to change laws related to parole.
Recently, at Security Public Storage off Leisure Town, Wylie spoke briefly at the dedication of the beautiful art. Murals of Downtown Vacaville, the Nut Tree, the Farmers Market, Vacaville Museum, the Founders, Lagoon Valley Park, and Travis Air Force Base are all beautifully painted by Jerry Ragg for all to enjoy.
Wylie was happy to attend the annual Awards Luncheon by the Chamber and celebrate with winners nominated by businesses across town. All Chamber events offer a terrific opportunity to network with others in a variety of businesses in Vacaville.
Vacaville groups work hard to help our community pull together and to recognize the need for Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion. Council member Wylie was encouraged by efforts to celebrate events like Black History Month, Be You, and Pride in the Park. She was honored to introduce local author and activist, Alice Wilson-Fried as a speaker during the Black History celebration. Local junior and senior high students spoke eloquently about their experiences. Likewise, at the Be You event, the focus was on our young people and how we can work together to provide what is needed for people at all levels of ability.